Blog Post No. 1: A Worthwhile Challenge

Have you ever heard of 20 Time projects? You get 20% of your class time to work on a project of your choice. And I don't know about you, but that is the last thing I want to hear my teacher say. Not only could I fail the project, but I could fail choosing the project—I could fail before I even started! And thus, I began my 3-hour long internet search for "interesting purposeful hobbies". I needed a worthwhile challenge. So I eventually chose to start something that I've been wanting to do for a while but never had the right push to actually do something about it. At first, I had thought about learning computer programming . I've spent some time in the past learning to code, but never quite had enough time for it (just like with all my other hobbies) between work, family, and school. This project seemed like the perfect opportunity. I would be doing school work ...